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Showing posts from October, 2008

Step by Step

On Sunday September 28 of 2008, Ecuador adopted its 20 th Constitution. The new elected Constitution has 444 articles and by far give more power to the state in what respect to the economy and the political system. About 64.04% of Ecuador’s voting population approved the new Magna Carta, while 28.01% voted “NO”, the null votes added to 7.21% (vote that represents neither yes or no) and blank votes were roughly 0.74%. The decision is clear; Ecuador is following the steps towards a socialist economy or what Mr. Chavez has claimed “Socialism of the 21 st century.” President Correa has aligned his government with the social, economical and political structures those countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia, and others in the Latin American continent. These socio-economic and political structures have been implemented through the region with more emphasis in the last five years. However, it is important to mention that Latin America has always suffered from high levels of dependency in